Jun 19 – 21, 2023
Naples, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Stochastic constant-roll inflation and primordial black holes

Jun 19, 2023, 12:20 PM
Naples, Italy

Naples, Italy

Talk Session 2


Dr Eemeli Tomberg (NICPB Tallinn)


Primordial black holes can be seeded by perturbations from cosmic inflation. In the literature, these perturbations are often computed in linear order so that their statistics are Gaussian. However, non-Gaussianities can be important for the rare events of black hole formation. The leading non-Gaussianities can be computed with the non-linear formalism of stochastic inflation, which predicts an exponential tail for the perturbation probability distribution. I talk about recent progress in these stochastic computations, especially during constant-roll inflation, a phase typical for black-hole-producing inflationary models. As a new result, I show how stochastic constant-roll inflation can be solved analytically starting from the curvature power spectrum, and discuss the ensuing corrections to black hole abundance.

Primary author

Dr Eemeli Tomberg (NICPB Tallinn)

Presentation materials