Dec 15 – 16, 2022
Centre for Particle Theory, Durham
Europe/London timezone

Flavonstrahlung in the B3 − L2 Z′ Model at Current and Future Colliders

Dec 16, 2022, 2:30 PM
Ph30 (zoom room 2) (Centre for Particle Theory, Durham)

Ph30 (zoom room 2)

Centre for Particle Theory, Durham

Department of Physics Durham University South Road Durham DH1 3LE
Long talk (20 mins) Full Length Talks


Eetu Loisa (University of Cambridge)


The $B_3-L_2$ $Z^\prime$ model may explain some gross features of the fermion mass spectrum as well as $b\rightarrow s \ell \ell$ anomalies. A TeV-scale physical scalar field associated with gauged $U(1)_{B_3-L_2}$ spontaneous symmetry breaking, the flavon field $\vartheta$, affects Higgs phenomenology via mixing. In this talk, I will discuss the collider phenomenology of the flavon field. Higgs data are used to place bounds upon parameter space. I then examine "flavonstrahlung" (${Z^\prime}^\ast \rightarrow Z^\prime \vartheta$ production) at colliders as a means to directly produce and discover flavon particles, providing direct empirical evidence tying it to $U(1)_{B_3-L_2}$ symmetry breaking. A 100 TeV FCC-hh or a 10 TeV muon collider would have high sensitivity to flavonstrahlung, whereas the HL-LHC can observe it only if the flavon charge is larger than unity.

Type of presentation 20 minute talk
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Primary author

Eetu Loisa (University of Cambridge)

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