19–21 Apr 2023
Europe/London timezone

Recent results on exotic hadrons from BESIII

19 Apr 2023, 15:40
Room OC218 (IPPP)

Room OC218


Invited talk Talks


Wolfgang Gradl (JGU Mainz, Inst. f. Nuclear Physics)


A `second charm revolution' was sparked with the discovery of new
'XYZ' states, such as the $X(3872)$ or the $Y(4260)$ by the B factories
Belle and BABAR. These states do not fit into the conventional
picture of quark-antiquark bound systems. A number of further,
non-conventional bound states have been discovered in different
production processes at several experiments.

This talk will highlight several new states recently discovered at
BESIII, both in the light quark and the charmonium(-like) sector.

Primary author

Wolfgang Gradl (JGU Mainz, Inst. f. Nuclear Physics)

Presentation materials