Apr 19 – 21, 2023
Europe/London timezone


Some accommodation will be available in Collingwood College at a cost of £48.75 per night for bed and breakfast (single ensuite room) on a first-come first-served basis. You can request accommodation when you register. Once you receive confirmation of registration, you must pay via bank transfer or credit card by 27 March 2023 to secure the accommodation.

For any questions about accommodation and payment please directly contact the IPPP secretaries: Trudy Forster (trudy.forster@durham.ac.uk) and Joanne Bentham (joanne.bentham@durham.ac.uk).

Bank Transfer

Address:  Durham University, Barclays Bank, 6/7 Market Place, Durham City.
Sort code: 20 - 27 - 66
Account number: 60897507
IBAN: GB79 BARC 2027 6660 8975 07
Swift Code: BARC GB22

Reference/Payment reason: EH 040598 LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME
(If you can't fit all of that in the length available for the Reference/Payment reason, just put EH 040598 followed by the parts of your last name and first name that fit.)

Credit Card

For payment by credit card, this credit card form has to be filled out and must be faxed to the (secure) fax number 0044 (0)191 3343658.