5–7 Jun 2023
Europe/London timezone

Participant List

32 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Aleksandra Dimitrievska Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Christos Anastopoulos University of Sheffield
David d'Enterria CERN
Emanuela Musumeci IFIC
Ferhat Öztürk IFJ PAN Cracow (PL)
Filip Nechansky DESY
Georgios Krintiras The University of Kansas
Giancarlo Panizzo Udine
Ilkka Helenius University of Jyväskylä
Jesse Liu University of Cambridge
Jose Luis Hernando Ariza University of Freiburg
Josh Puddefoot University of Sheffield
Karolos Potamianos University of Warwick (UK)
Kristin Lohwasser University of Sheffield (GB)
Laurent Forthomme AGH University of Science and Technology
Lorenzo Primomo University of Udine (IT)
Lucian Harland-Lang University College London
Lydia Beresford DESY
Malik Aliev Stony Brook University (US)
mario campanelli UCL
Oldrich Kepka Institute of Physics, Prague
Patricia Rebello Teles Brazilian Center for Physics Research
Peter Meinzinger IPPP
Philip Sommer CERN
Savannah Clawson Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Simone Pagan Griso Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Valery Khoze IPPP, Durham
Vasiliki Mitsou IFIC - CSIC and Univ. of Valencia (ES)
4 more participants