The real time evolution of a heavy particle in a strongly coupled plasma is determined by transport coefficients, such as the diffusion coefficient $\kappa$ and $\gamma$. While, in the fundamental representation, the heavy quark diffusion is well studied, the diffusion of adjoint quarks or quarkonium has not yet been fully explored on the lattice. In a suitable NREFT description of QCD, $\kappa$ can be related to the chromoelectric correlator and the first mass-suppressed correction can be extracted from the chromomagnetic correlator. $\gamma$ is related to an integral over the chromoelectric correlator after subtracting the zero temperature correlator contribution, which is also related to gluelump masses and P-wave decay of heavy quarkonium.
We present results of the adjoint chromoelectric correlators at finite $T$ under gradient flow and compare them to results from multilevel calculations.