28 July 2024 to 3 August 2024
Europe/London timezone


                                    Conference Proceedings

The conference proceedings will be published by Proceedings of Science.

The deadline for submissions will be November 25th, 2024.

Strict page limits are

  • Plenary talks – 14 pages (excluding title page and references)
  • Parallel talks/Poster presentations – 7 pages (excluding title page and references).

Further details and template files will be forwarded to contributors soon.

There will be a possibility to combine proceedings from two or more related contributions into a single proceedings contribution.  This will be by application only.  Please contact the editors if you wish to avail of this.  The page limits for combined proceedings will be

  • Two talks/posters: 11 pages
  • Three or more talks/posters: 14 pages

Guidelines for figure preparation

Please see this document for guidance on how to prepare colour-blind-friendly figures.