28 July 2024 to 3 August 2024
Europe/London timezone

Logistical information

The Code of Conduct is here.


Plenary talks will be live-streamed (but not recorded) via liverpool-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/96240745529?pwd=914xtjfDp0dXY92cq0hVwaKAh1mHnG.1
(meeting ID 926 4074 5529, passcode ERSUg?30)


It is a Lattice conference tradition that people can freely move between parallel talks in different rooms.  This requires that all parallel talks keep strictly to time --- 20 minutes in total, consisting of a 15-minute presentation followed by 5 minutes for questions and transitioning between speakers.


Projectors in all parallel rooms are connected to PCs running the University's Managed Windows Service.  Personal laptops can only be used in an emergency.  As usual for the Lattice conference, we will only be able to support pdf documents for presentations, not Keynote or Powerpoint formats.


Upload your pdf slides to your contribution on Indico prior to the coffee/lunch break preceding the session in which you will speak.  During those breaks, volunteers will prepare the slides to be shown in the session.  Due to the need to keep strictly to the schedule, any time taken to track down slides will have to come out of the 15 minutes for your presentation.


You should be able to access your contribution(s) here. Many participants have multiple IPPP Indico accounts, so you may need to make sure you are logged in to the one you used to register for the conference.  In the page for each contribution, scroll down to "Presentation materials" and click on the pencil button to upload your slides.


It is necessary to run two simultaneous sessions in the "Hadronic and Nuclear Spectrum and Interactions" track on Thursday. This pdf, and the full pdf export of the timetable, specify which talk is in which room, which may not be obvious from certain views of Indico's timetable.


Those of you presenting posters should be able to put them on display starting at registration on Sunday, 28 July.  You should already have received information about appropriate poster sizes (A0 portrait or A1 landscape) around 11 July.  Each poster board will have a label indicating whether it is to be presented during the first half or the second half of the poster session and reception.  Feel free to choose any available board.  Please also upload a pdf of your poster to Indico following the procedure above.


A Help Desk will run in the Guild of Students throughout the week, where late registration will be possible.  While this will be managed primarily by UoL administrative staff, volunteers who can offer advice about Indico will also be on hand during coffee breaks and other busy periods.


The plenary sessions will be in a different building than the rest of the conference.  There is one active road to cross between these buildings, and three pedestrian crosswalks with traffic signals that we can use.  A map showing the locations of these crosswalks is here.


This map also shows the GFlex room in the Central Teaching Hub building where the diversity lunch will be held on Tuesday (sponsored by Storj).  The catering for this lunch only accounts for those who have already registered their interest in advance.  Members of the Lattice Diversity and Inclusion Committee will lead attendees from the entrance of the Parallels Building to this location around 12:40.  The lunch will be provided as a buffet with seating arrangements.  A panel discussion on equity, diversity and inclusion will take place between 13:00--13:40, wrapping up before the next parallel sessions start. The panellists are Prof. Christine Davies, Dr. Indrakshi Roychowdhury, Dr. K. Utku Can, and Prof. William Detmold, and the panel will be moderated by Dr. Bipasha Chakraborty.


Liverpool has a temperate maritime climate, with typical high temperatures around 20C/67F and lows around 13C/56F during late July and early August.  Periods of light rain are likely and we recommend bringing a small umbrella or light rain jacket, especially if you are signed up for one of the walking tours during Wednesday's excursions.

Important dates and deadlines

Registration was open from March 1st to July 5th, 2024

Applications for a reduced fee were due by April 15th, 2024

Abstract submission was open from March 1st to June 28th (extended from June 21st) 2024

All deadlines are Anywhere on Earth (23:59 in the UTC-12 time zone).