28 July 2024 to 3 August 2024
Europe/London timezone

Forward-limit generalized parton distributions of the $\eta_{c}$-meson

30 Jul 2024, 14:45
Talk Structure of Hadrons and Nuclei Structure of hadrons and nuclei


Jose Manuel Morgado Chávez (LSN/DPhN/Irfu CEA-Saclay)


The formalism of short-distance factorization allows to connect light-cone correlators with spacelike ones. The later being directly accessible in Euclidean lattices, and the former being the key objects for all of parton physics, the possibility of studying hadron structure in the framework of lattice QCD is opened. In this work we take advantage of this formalism --conveyed through the pseudo-distribution approach-- to compute, for the first time, the generalized parton distributions (GPDs) of the $\eta_{c}$-meson. To this end we use CLS ($n_{f}=2$) ensembles of gauge configurations to evaluate the $\eta_{c}$-meson's pseudo-GPD for a number of $t$-values. We study the continuum-- and light-cone--limit of our results. Finally, relying on analytic properties of Ioffe-time distributions, we achieve a model-independent extraction of the $\eta_c$-GPD. The $\eta_{c}$ being a heavy pseudo--scalar meson, direct comparison with similar results available for lighter ones --say, pions-- allows for a pioneering analysis of the effect of quark masses on the structure of hadrons.

Primary author

Jose Manuel Morgado Chávez (LSN/DPhN/Irfu CEA-Saclay)


Mr Benoît Blossier (IJCLab) Mr Cédric Mezrag (Irfu/CEA-Saclay) Miguel Teseo San José Pérez (IJCLab)

Presentation materials