28 July 2024 to 3 August 2024
Europe/London timezone

Quark and gluon momentum fractions in the pion and in the kaon

1 Aug 2024, 10:00
Talk Structure of Hadrons and Nuclei Structure of hadrons and nuclei


Luis Alberto Rodriguez Chacon (The Cyprus Institute)


We present the full decomposition of the momentum fraction carried by quarks and gluons in the pion and the kaon. We employ three gauge ensembles generated with Nf = 2 + 1 + 1 Wilson twisted-mass clover-improved fermions at the physical quark masses. For both mesons we perform a continuum extrapolation directly at the physical pion mass, which allows us to determine for the first time the momentum decomposition at the physical point. We find that the total momentum fraction carried by quarks is 0.532(56) and 0.618(32) and by gluons 0.388(49) and 0.408(61) in the pion and in the kaon, respectively, in the MS scheme and at the renormalization scale of 2 GeV. Having computed both the quark and gluon contributions in the continuum limit, we find that the momentum sum is 0.926(68) for the pion and 1.046(90) for the kaon, verifying the momentum sum rule.

Primary authors

Bartosz Kostrzewa (High Performance Computing & Analytics Lab, University of Bonn) Carsten Urbach (University of Bonn) Constantia Alexandrou (University of Cyprus and The Cyprus Institute) Fernanda Steffens (U. Bonn) Gregoris Spanoudes (University of Cyprus) Jacob Finkenrath Joseph Delmar (Temple University) Luis Alberto Rodriguez Chacon (The Cyprus Institute) Marcus Petschlies (U. Bonn) Martha Constantinou (Temple University) Simone Bacchio (University of Cyprus, University of Wuppertal) Urs Wenger (University of Bern)

Presentation materials