Antonio Evangelista
(University and INFN of Rome Tor Vergata)
In the framework of the ongoing computation by ETMC of the leading-order hadronic vacuum polarization (HVP) contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment $a_\mu^{HVP}$ in QCD+QED, we present preliminary results about the valence quark-connected isospin--breaking corrections to $a_{\mu}^{\mathrm{HVP-LO}}$, at leading order in $\alpha_\text{em} = e^2/4\pi$ and $(m_d-m_u)/\Lambda_{\mathrm{QCD}}$. In our computation, we employ the RM123 approach to QCD+QED and here we focus on two different volumes ($L\sim 3.8$ fm and $L \sim 5.1$ fm) and a fixed lattice spacing (corresponding to $a_{isoQCD} \sim 0.07951 (4)$ fm).
Primary author
Antonio Evangelista
(University and INFN of Rome Tor Vergata)
ETM Collaboration