Research into doubly heavy tetraquarks has become highly relevant, especially with the recent discovery of the doubly charmed tetraquark $T_{cc}$. In this study, we present a lattice investigation of S-wave $D\bar{B}^{(*)}$ scattering within the isoscalar axial-vector and scalar channels. Both the processes feature the flavor combination $bc\bar u\bar d$, which could potentially host $T_{bc}$ tetraquarks.
Our calculations were conducted on four different $N_f=2+1+1$ MILC gauge ensembles, each with varying lattice spacings and volumes. Utilizing the amplitude analysis method $à~la$ Lüscher, we extracted the $D\bar{B}^{(*)}$ scattering amplitudes from the finite-volume spectra. By examining the light quark mass ($m_{u/d}$) dependence of these amplitudes and extrapolating to the continuum, we explored the behavior of the $bc\bar u\bar d$ tetraquarks at the physical $m_{u/d}$.Our findings provide evidence for a bound state of the $bc\bar u\bar d$ tetraquark at the physical $m_{u/d}$ within both the scalar and the axial-vector channels.