Hwancheol Jeong
(Indiana University)
We compute the vector, scalar, and tensor form factors for the $B\to \pi$, $B\to K$, and $B_s\to K$ amplitudes, which are needed to describe semileptonic $B$-meson decay rates for both the charged and neutral current cases. We use the highly improved staggered quark (HISQ) action for the sea and light valence quarks. The bottom quark is described by the clover action in the Fermilab interpretation. Simulations are carried out on seven $N_f = 2+1+1$ MILC HISQ ensembles at approximate lattice spacings from 0.15 fm down to 0.057 fm with both physical and unphysical sea-quark masses. We present blinded preliminary results for the form factors in the continuum limit.
Primary author
Hwancheol Jeong
(Indiana University)
Aida El-Khadra
(University of Illinois Urbana-CHampaign)
Alejandro Vaquero
(University of Utah)
Andreas Kronfeld
Andrew Lytle
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Carleton DeTar
(University of Utah)
Elvira Gamiz
(University of Granada)
Steven Gottlieb
(Indiana University)
William Jay
Zechariah Gelzer
(U. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)