11:00 AM
The detection of a population of stellar mass primordial black holes
Michael Hawkins
(University of Edinburgh)
11:30 AM
Close Encounters of the Primordial Kind
Sarah Geller
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
11:50 AM
Numerical First Order QED calculations of Hawking Radiation from Asteroid Mass PBHs
Emily Koivu
(The Ohio State University)
12:00 PM
Constraining Primordial Black Holes through Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
Andrea Boccia
(Scuola Superiore Meridionale)
12:10 PM
Light primordial black holes as a viable dark matter candidate
Valentin Thoss
(Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
12:20 PM
Cosmological particle production and PBHs
Gabriel Massoni Salla
(Physics Intitute of the University of Sao Paulo)