Session 11
- Chair: Pasquale Dario Serpico
In empty Minkowski space, the CP-violating electroweak θ-term can be rotated away by the redefinition of quark and lepton states by anomalous B+L phase transformations. I will argue this is no longer true in black hole spacetime, where non-zero θ-term remains on the black hole horizon. This boundary term acts as a source of CP-asymmetric Hawking radiation. The phenomenon may be responsible for...
We perform the numerical simulation of primordial black hole formation from a nonspherical profile of the initial curvature perturbation $\zeta$. We consider the background expanding universe filled with the perfect fluid with the linear equation of state $p=w\rho$ ($w=1/3$ or $1/5$), where $p$ and $\rho$ are the pressure and the energy density, respectively. The initial condition is set in a...
The FINUDA magnet for Light Axion SearcH (FLASH) is a large resonant cavity haloscope planned to probe new physics as part of the INFN Frascati National Laboratories near Rome (Italy). The frequency range accessible overlaps with the Very High Frequency (VHF) range of the radio wave spectrum and allows for a search in high frequency gravitational waves (HFGW) in the frequency range (100–300)...