Mar 25 – 28, 2024
Europe/London timezone

Dark Matter beyond the Weak Scale, or BeyondWimps, is a workshop with the aim of building connections between the theory community working on problems of astroparticle physics and upcoming experiments that focus on new dark matter searches beyond traditional weak scale WIMPs. This is the second instalment of the workshop, the previous edition in Liverpool was a great success. 

The meeting will be hosted at Durham University and will take place from 25-28 March 2024. Accomodation information has been communicated to invited speakers, but feel free to get in touch if you need help planning your visit.

Organised by:
Djuna Croon (Durham University),
Edward Hardy (University of Oxford),
Juri Smirnov (University of Liverpool).

Ogden Centre, Durham University Durham DH1 3LF
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