2–4 Jul 2024
Swansea University
Europe/London timezone

Structure of doubly charm exotic state Tcc from lattice QCD

3 Jul 2024, 09:30
Singleton Park Campus (Swansea University)

Singleton Park Campus

Swansea University

Singleton Park, Swansea, SA2 8PP
Invited talk Talks


Vadim Baru (Ruhr University Bochum)


It has recently been understood that the emergence of left-hand cuts from long-range interactions creates significant complications in extracting infinite-volume observables from lattice QCD finite-volume spectra:

(i) the famous Lüscher method fails below the left-hand cut and

(ii) the effective range expansion used to extract the low energy parameters has a very limited domain of validity.

We will introduce an alternative approach based on chiral EFT which overcomes both difficulties due to the explicit inclusion of long range forces. Recent application of this approach to extract the properties of the Tcc state at larger than physical pion masses will be discussed.

Primary author

Vadim Baru (Ruhr University Bochum)

Presentation materials