9–11 Apr 2025
Dawson Building
Europe/London timezone

The workshop brings together various particle physics communities to review experimental searches for new neutrinos.  The workshop aims to extend benchmark interpretations to be applied across collider and non-collider experiments, and to identify any gaps in existing searches and interpretations.  Particular focus will be on new neutrinos at relatively low mass, accessible through decays of known particles, but will also include the potential for finding evidence for new neutrinos at high mass.  

Dawson Building
Durham University, South Rd, Durham DH1 3LE
Go to map

There is no conference fee but if opting in for college accommodation  (£56.25 per night, £112.50 for the whole workshop) please make a payment by either:

  • Credit card form, either faxed to 0044 (0)191 43658, or emailed to ph-hep-admin@durham.ac.uk without security code (CVC) and in a separate email send the security code only to the same address
  • Bank transfer to the account above with Reference/Payment reason: New-nu Physics: From Colliders to Cosmology <Surname> <Firstname>  sending confirmation of transfer to ph-hep-admin@durham.ac.uk
Registration for this event is currently open.