18–19 Dec 2024
Centre for Particle Theory
Europe/London timezone

Varieties of four-dimensional gauge theories

19 Dec 2024, 11:00
Ph30 (Centre for Particle Theory)


Centre for Particle Theory


Khoi Le Nguyen Nguyen (University of Cambridge)


Given a gauge Lie algebra, it is natural to seek representations for four-dimensional spacetime fermions that are anomaly-free and complex. Even for irreducible representations, where the problem reduces to studying $\mathfrak{su}_n$ for $n\geq3$, solutions seem to be few and far between: a trial-and-error scan by Eichten, Kang and Koh found only three for $\mathfrak{su}_5$, for example. In this talk, I will explain how concepts and constructs in algebraic geometry show that there are in fact infinitely many such representations and yield them all. In particular, I will show that the problem is nearly identical to finding chiral solutions to the $U(1)$ anomaly cancellation equations for $n$ Weyl fermions in four spacetime dimensions.

Primary authors

Ben Gripaios (Cambridge) Khoi Le Nguyen Nguyen (University of Cambridge)

Presentation materials