18–19 Dec 2024
Centre for Particle Theory
Europe/London timezone

Massive spinning fields in 3d quantum gravity

19 Dec 2024, 15:20
Centre for Particle Theory

Centre for Particle Theory

Department of Physics Durham University South Road Durham DH1 3LE


Robert Bourne (University of Cambridge)


While understanding the consequences of quantising gravity remains an ongoing challenge, valuable insights have been gained by considering models in lower dimensions. In particular, I shall focus on Einstein gravity in 2+1d, which is known to be related to Chern-Simons theories, with a gauge group dependent on the sign of the cosmological constant. Unlike in 3+1d where gravitational waves are an important feature, Einstein gravity in 2+1d is a topological theory. Despite this, the theory retains a number of interesting features present in 3+1d gravity, such as the (potentially spinning) BTZ black hole. In this talk I will review the connection between 2+1d gravity and Chern-Simons theory, both in the classical and quantum cases. I will then discuss some recent work which focuses on how massive matter fields on the gravitational side may be included in the Chern-Simons construction.

Primary authors

Dr Alejandra Castro (University of Cambridge) Dr Jackson Fliss (University of Cambridge) Robert Bourne (University of Cambridge)

Presentation materials