Aug 22 – 26, 2011
St Andrews, Scotland
Europe/London timezone
This workshop aims at instigating discussions and future work between experimenters and theorists, working on strong interactions at the LHC. Topics to be discussed include Latest results from the LHC on Soft and Hard QCD Theory of Jets Parton Density Functions Higher Order Calculations Event Simulations Resummation Top Physics Higgs Physics QCD for BSM studies The workshop will take place in St. Andrews, Scotland starting with registration in the afternoon and reception in the evening of Sunday the 21st August. The scientific part of the meeting will start at 9am on Monday morning the 22nd August through to Friday lunchtime on the 26th August. Departure is in the afternoon of Friday the 26th August. Please register at the workshop website It is a follow-up meeting to the one in 2010 in Trento (webpage).
St Andrews, Scotland