TA to MICE facility: reports and plans

Norton Room (R1 2.26) (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)

Norton Room (R1 2.26)

Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

Harwell Oxford Campus Oxfordshire OX11 0QX
EuCARD has supported Transational Access (TA) to the MICE facility at STFC's RAL since April 2009. The purpose of this meeting is to review the progress and plans of each group supported so far under the scheme so that the TA Panel has up-to-date information ahead of the final set of allocations to be made in the Spring of 2012. PLEASE NOTE: timings shown are UK, which is 1 hour behind continental Europe.
    • Welcome and Introduction

      Ken Peach

    • Geneva group: report, plans, discussion

      Speaker: Alain Blondel (Geneva)

    • Sofia group: report, plans, discussion

      Speaker: Mariyan Bogomilov (Sofia)

    • Insubria group: report, plans, discussion

      Speaker: Davide Bolognini (Insubria)

    • Milano/Roma/Pavia group: report, plans, discussion

      Speaker: Maurizio Bonesini (Milano)

    • Wrap up