DrEmanuele Re(IPPP, Durham University), Oliver Buchmueller(Imperial College), Philip Harris(CERN), Sarah Malik(Imperial College), Prof.Valentin V Khoze(IPPP)
9:00 AM
Scalar, pseudo-scalar and other simplified models for DM searches1h 25m
Ciaran Williams(IPPP), Dorival Goncalves(IPPP Durham), Philip Harris(CERN)
Ciaran Williams(IPPP), Emanuele Re(University of Oxford), Oliver Buchmueller(Imperial College), Philip Harris(CERN), Prof.Valentin V Khoze(IPPP)
11:00 AM
Tools for SM production: MCGM, POWHEG etc.1h 30m
Ciaran Williams(IPPP), DrEmanuele Re(IPPP, Durham University), Philip Harris(CERN)
New Ideas for DM searches and interpretations1.11 The Old Council Chamber (Wills Memorial Building)
1.11 The Old Council Chamber
Wills Memorial Building
Bjoern Penning(Imperial College), Christopher McCabe(GRAPPA, University of Amsterdam), Oliver Buchmueller(Imperial College), Prof.Valentin V Khoze(IPPP)