Jul 24 – 30, 2016
Highfield Campus, University of Southampton
Europe/London timezone

Lattice QCD study of heavy-heavy-light-light tetraquark candidates

Jul 25, 2016, 3:35 PM
Building B2a Room 2065 (Highfield Campus, University of Southampton)

Building B2a Room 2065

Highfield Campus, University of Southampton

Talk Hadron Spectroscopy and Interactions Hadron Spectroscopy and Interactions


Ms Antje Peters (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main)


We study $\bar{b} \bar{b} u d$ and $\bar{b} b u \bar{d}$ four-quark systems using lattice QCD. The heavy b quarks are treated either in the static approximation or by using NRQCD. Both for $\bar{b} \bar{b} u d$ (quantum numbers $I(J^P) = 0(1^+)$) and for $\bar{b} b u \bar{d}$ (quantum numbers of $Z_b$, $I(J^P) = 1(1^+)$) our results indicate the existence of a four-quark bound state, i.e. a tetraquark.

Primary authors

Ms Antje Peters (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main) Dr Krzysztof Cichy (Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main) Dr Luka Leskovec (University of Arizona) Prof. Marc Wagner (Goethe University Frankfurt) Prof. Pedro Bicudo (Universidade de Lisboa) Prof. Stefan Meinel (University of Arizona)

Presentation materials