Jul 24 – 30, 2016
Highfield Campus, University of Southampton
Europe/London timezone

Non-perturbative determination of improvement coefficients using coordinate space correlators in Nf=2+1 lattice QCD

Jul 27, 2016, 10:00 AM
Building 67 Room 1027 (Highfield Campus, Universit of Southampton)

Building 67 Room 1027

Highfield Campus, Universit of Southampton

Talk Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization


Dr Piotr Korcyl (University of Regensburg)


We determine quark mass dependent order a improvement terms of the form $b_J$ am for non-singlet scalar, pseudoscalar, vector and axialvector currents, using correlators in coordinate space. We use a set of CLS ensembles comprising non-perturbatively improved Wilson Fermions and the tree-level Luescher-Weisz gauge action at $\beta=3.4, 3.46, 3.55$ and $\beta=3.7$, corresponding to lattice spacings a in [0.05,0.09] fm. We report the values of the $b_J$ improvement coefficients which are proportional to non-singlet quark mass combinations and also discuss the possibility of determining the $\bar{b}_J$ coefficients which are proportional to the trace of the quark mass matrix.

Primary author

Dr Piotr Korcyl (University of Regensburg)


Prof. Gunnar Bali (University of Regensburg)

Presentation materials