Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
- Krzysztof Cichy (Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main)
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
- Eliana Lambrou (University of Wuppertal)
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
- Francesco Knechtli (University of Wuppertal)
Stefan Sint
(Trinity College Dublin)
7/25/16, 4:45 PM
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
A collaborative effort to determine the $\Lambda$-parameter in 3-flavour QCD by the ALPHA collaboration is currently being finalized. The strategy involves 2 finite volume schemes for the coupling, both defined with Schroedinger functional (SF) boundary conditions. I here discuss the scale evolution from an intermediate scale $1/L_0$ of about 4 GeV to scales of O(100) GeV using the...
Alberto Ramos
7/25/16, 5:05 PM
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
A fundamental step in the ALPHA collaboration efforts to
determine the fundamental parameters of $N_f=3$ QCD at the electroweak
scale in terms of hadronic quantities is the connection of an
intermediate scale $\sim 4{\rm GeV}$ with a hadronic scale. In this talk we will
show that using the Gradient Flow running coupling this task can be
achieved with a very high precision. Our analysis...
Rainer Sommer
7/25/16, 5:25 PM
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
The ALPHA-collaboration computation
of the three-flavor Lambda-parameter and the determination of $\alpha(m_Z)$
consists of the steps:
Running from beyond the Z-mass to 4 GeV in the SF scheme,
matching to the GF scheme,
running from 4GeV to small energy in the GF scheme,
determining the smallest energy scale ($\approx$ 200 MeV) in
physical units with the help of the CLS...
Eliana Lambrou
(University of Wuppertal)
7/25/16, 5:45 PM
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
We present preliminary results to determine the strong coupling constant by using the gradient flow. Pure SU(3) gauge theory is studied. We carry out a direct analysis on very fine zero temperature lattices. In addition we attempt to move towards the perturbative regime by using step-scaling.
Ryoichiro Ueno
(Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
7/25/16, 6:05 PM
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
We calculate the $\Lambda$-parameter in $\overline{\mathrm{MS}}$ scheme for SU(3) pure gauge theory with the twisted gradient flow method non-perturbatively. Using the Schrödinger functional scheme as an intermediate scheme, we numerically evaluate the $\Lambda$-parameter ratio...
Gerrit Schierholz
7/25/16, 6:25 PM
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
The running coupling constant $\alpha_s(Q^2)$ is computed from the Wilson flow for three quark flavors on multiple volumes and a wide range of lattice spacings, which allows for a continuum extrapolation. Of particular interest is the behavior at small $Q^2$ and the question of an infrared fixed point.
Yu Maezawa
(YITP, Kyoto University)
7/26/16, 2:00 PM
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
We present new results on the charm and bottom quark masses as well as the strong coupling constant in 2+1-flavor QCD
using Highly Improved Staggered Quark action and gauge configurations generated by HotQCD Collaboration.
Our approach is based on calculating the moments of meson correlators and we use a wide range of lattice spacing up to $a^{-1} \sim 4.9$ GeV in our study.
The ratios of...
Krzysztof Cichy
(Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main)
7/26/16, 2:20 PM
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
We perform a benchmark study of the step scaling procedure for the ratios of renormalization constants extracted from position space correlation functions. We work in the quenched approximation and consider the pseudoscalar, scalar, vector and axial vector bilinears. The pseudoscalar/scalar cases allow us to obtain the non-perturbative running of the quark mass over a wide range of energy...
David Preti
(Instituto de Física Teórica CSIC/UAM)
7/26/16, 2:40 PM
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
We present our results for the computation of the non-perturbative running
of renormalized quark masses in $N_f=3$ QCD, between the electroweak and
hadronic scales, using standard finite-size scaling techniques. The
computation is carried out to very high precision, using massless
$\mathcal{O}$(a) improved Wilson quarks. Following the strategy adopted by
the ALPHA...
Katsumasa Nakayama
(Nagoya University)
7/26/16, 3:00 PM
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
We extract the charm quark mass and the strong coupling
by using the charmonium current correlators with $n_f$ = 2 + 1 Mobius
wall fermions. The temporal moments of the correlators are sensitive to
short-distance physics, and could be also calculated in the
continuum theory by perturbative expansion, which is known up to four-
loop order.We match our lattice calculation...
Lukas Varnhorst
(University of Wuppertal)
7/26/16, 3:20 PM
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
We present a determination of the corrections to Dashen's theorem and of the individual up and down quark masses from a lattice calculation based on quenched QED and $N_f=2+1$ QCD simulations with 5 lattice spacings down to $0.054 \, \mbox{fm}$. The simulations feature lattice sizes up to $6 \, \mbox{fm}$ and average up-down quark masses all the way down to their physical value. For the...
Doug Toussaint
(University of Arizona)
7/26/16, 3:40 PM
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
[MILC collaboration}
In QCD simulations at small lattice spacings the topological charge $Q$
evolves very slowly, and if this quantity is not properly equilibrated
it could lead to incorrect results for physical quantities, or incorrect
estimates of their errors. We use the known relation between the dependence
of masses and decay constants on the QCD vacuum angle $\theta$ and...
Jochen Heitger
(University of Muenster, ITP)
7/27/16, 9:00 AM
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
Based on a non-perturbative matching strategy between Heavy Quark Effective Theory (HQET) at O(1/m) and finite-volume QCD, we report on our determination of the effective theory parameters of all components of the HQET heavy-light axial and vector currents in two-flavour lattice QCD. These parameters, which can be fixed by matching conditions between suitable QCD and HQET observables evaluated...
Stefano Piemonte
(University of Regensburg)
7/27/16, 9:20 AM
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
We report on our studies of the renormalization of flavor singlet quark bilinear operators in lattice QCD. The renormalization constants are determined non-perturbatively using gauge field ensembles with Nf=2 dynamical clover improved fermions. The renormalization is performed in the RI-MOM and RI-SMOM schemes. The difference between flavor singlet and non-singlet quark bilinear operators is...
Georg von Hippel
(University of Mainz)
7/27/16, 9:40 AM
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
We report on the determination of the renormalization factors of quark bilinears which are required among others in order to determine the nucleon scalar and tensor charges from the CLS $N_f=2$ configurations. Working in the RI'-MOM scheme, we eliminate all lattice artifacts at one-loop order using a combination of analytical results near the continuum limit and numerical calculations in...
Piotr Korcyl
(University of Regensburg)
7/27/16, 10:00 AM
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
We determine quark mass dependent order a improvement terms of the form $b_J$ am for non-singlet scalar, pseudoscalar, vector and axialvector currents, using correlators in coordinate space. We use a set of CLS ensembles comprising non-perturbatively improved Wilson Fermions and the tree-level Luescher-Weisz gauge action at $\beta=3.4, 3.46, 3.55$ and $\beta=3.7$, corresponding to lattice...
Ava Khamseh
(The University of Edinburgh)
7/27/16, 10:20 AM
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
A new renormalization scheme is defined for fermion bilinears in QCD at non vanishing quark masses. This new scheme, denoted RI/mSMOM, preserves the benefits of the nonexceptional momenta introduced in the RI/SMOM scheme, and allows a definition of renormalized composite fields away from the chiral limit.