Jul 24 – 30, 2016
Highfield Campus, University of Southampton
Europe/London timezone

A massive momentum-subtraction scheme

Jul 27, 2016, 10:20 AM
Building 67 Room 1027 (Highfield Campus, Universit of Southampton)

Building 67 Room 1027

Highfield Campus, Universit of Southampton

Talk Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization


Ms Ava Khamseh (The University of Edinburgh)


A new renormalization scheme is defined for fermion bilinears in QCD at non vanishing quark masses. This new scheme, denoted RI/mSMOM, preserves the benefits of the nonexceptional momenta introduced in the RI/SMOM scheme, and allows a definition of renormalized composite fields away from the chiral limit.

Primary authors

Ms Ava Khamseh (The University of Edinburgh) Prof. Luigi Del Debbio (Edinburgh) Prof. Peter Boyle (University of Edinburgh)

Presentation materials