The YETI school serves to promote interaction between theorists and experimentalists at the early career stage and to encourage interest in phenomenology. YETI aims to give a pedagogical introduction to a particular area of topical interest in particle physics. A key feature is the hands-on sessions in the afternoons.
The topic of YETI 2016 will be "Prospects and Challenges for LHC Run II", and will focus on theoretical and experimental issues in Higgs physics, top physics, flavour physics, and BSM. There will be two computer tutorial sessions, one on implementing BSM models in FeynRules + MadGraph (Celine Degrande and Olivier Mattelaer), and the other on the analysis tool Rivet (Chris Pollard).
Note that the annual Young Theorists Forum (YTF) will take place in Durham immediately after YETI. For those wanting to participate in that event, more information can be found here:
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