1–3 Aug 2016
Plymouth University
Europe/London timezone
The 14th International workshop on QCD in extreme conditions, Aug. 1-3 2016

Parity doubling in two-color and two-flavor gauge theory at high temperature

3 Aug 2016, 15:10
Portland Square (Plymouth University)

Portland Square

Plymouth University

Drake Circus Plymouth, Devon PL4 8AA, UK
Talk Strongly interacting Dark Matter Wednesday PM


Dr Jong-Wan Lee (Swansea University)


Recently the two-color gauge theory with two flavors of fundamental fermions has received considerable attention in BSM model building, as it provides a minimal template for a composite Higgs theory that includes dark matter candidates. In this work, we consider the two-color model with two flavors of Wilson fermions at non-zero temperature. For a more reliable investigation of meson correlation functions at high temperature, we perform simulations on anisotropic lattices with a target anisotropic factor of a_s/a_t=6.3. The tuning of bare parameters was carried out using the pseudo-scalar dispersion relation and Wilson loop ratios. We present our preliminary results for the identification of parity doubling from the temporal and spacial correlation functions of vector and axial-vector mesons.

Primary author

Dr Jong-Wan Lee (Swansea University)


Prof. Biagio Lucini (Swansea University) Dr Maurizio Piai (Swansea University)

Presentation materials