9 August 2016
Lincoln College, Oxford
WET timezone

Participant List

57 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Alex Murphy University of Edinburgh
Alfredo Tomas Imperial College
Amy Cottle FNAL
Andreas Piepke University of Alabama
Andrew Cheek Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology
Anne Green University of Nottingham
Antonin Vacheret Imperial College London
Asher Kaboth RHUL/RAL
Benjamin Farmer Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm University
Billy Boxer University of Liverpool
Brais Lopez Paredes Imperial College London
Cees Carels University of Oxford
Chamkaur Ghag UCL
Chiara Aquino University of Edinburgh
Christina Ignarra SLAC
Christopher McCabe UvA - GRAPPA
David Woodward University of Sheffield
David G. Cerdeño IPPP, Durham University
Elena Korolkova The University of Sheffield
Fady Bishara University of Oxford
FengTing Liao University of Oxford
Harry Nelson UCSB
Hassan Qureshi University of Edinburgh
Hugh Lippincott Fermilab
Ibles Olcina Imperial College London
Javier Menendez University of Tokyo
Jeremy Mock University at Albany
Ji-Haeng Huh CERN
Jim Dobson University College London
Jonathan Davis King's College London
Junsong Lin University of Oxford
Kathryn Boast University of Oxford
Malcolm Fairbairn King's College London
Marc Thomas University of Southampton
Maria Francesca Marzioni University of Edinburgh
Maryvonne De Jesus IPNLyon/in2p3/cnrs
Masaki Yamashita Kamioka Observatory, ICRR The University of Tokyo
Matthew Szydagis SUNY Albany
Nicolas Angelides University of Edinburgh
Nicole Larsen University of Chicago/KICP
Olivier Lennon University of Oxford
Paolo Beltrame University of Edinburgh
Pawel Majewski Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Peter Rossiter University of Sheffield
Ran Itay Weizmann Institute of Science
Riccardo Catena Chalmers University of Technology
Sally Shaw UCL
Sergey Balashov RAL
Sergey Burdin University of Liverpool
Stephen West RHUL
Steven Worm RAL
Theresa Fruth University of Oxford
Thomas Davison The University of Edinburgh
Tu Thong Tran University of Edinburgh
Tyana Stiegler Texas A & M Univ.
Uli Haisch Oxford
Çiğdem İŞSEVER University of Oxford