8–11 Jan 2017
Europe/London timezone


Instructions to setup your laptop for the tutorials

Statistical Tools for Cosmology: Practical Session

In the first tutorial a program will be written in a programming language of your choice so you should have installed on your computer everything needed to write and execute a program in your favourite programming language.

To verify that you have everything set up and you can do a few basic things needed for the tutorial you should do the following preliminary exercices BEFORE the school:


using the data file jla_mub.txt: https://conference.ippp.dur.ac.uk/event/549/contribution/17/material/slides/1.txt

and jla_mub_covmatrix.txt: https://conference.ippp.dur.ac.uk/event/549/contribution/17/material/slides/2.txt


Gravitational Waves: Practical Session

The second tutorial session will focus on the basics of processing data from the LIGO detectors, and analyzing the public data from the first detected binary black hole events, following the material from the LIGO Open Science Center.
Please download the material as a zip file in advance of the session: https://losc.ligo.org/s/events/LOSC_Event_tutorial.zip

Moreover a full python installation with several additional packages will be needed. The easiest way is to download and install anaconda: https://www.continuum.io/downloads

Alternatively it is possible to install the needed additional python packages: numpy, scipy, h5py, jupyter and matplotlib.

Finally it is also possible to download a virtual machine image with anaconda already installed and run it with virtualbox:

  1. Download and install VirtualBox from https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
  2. Download the virtual disk image from https://cernbox.cern.ch/index.php/s/jQzx3oy3yDqTRLw
  3. Unzip the disk image 
  4. Start VirtualBox, click “New”
  5. Name: Yeti17
  6. OS Type: Linux - Ubuntu (64 bit)
  7. Memory: 1024 MB (or more)
  8. Virtual Hard Disk: Use existing hard disk. Click folder symbol, choose the disk image “yeti17.vdi”
  9. Check the summary, then “Create”
  10. In the “VirtualBox Manager”, select “Yeti17” and click “Start” in the top row.
  11. The username/password is: yeti17/gravity