19–20 Dec 2018
Centre for Particle Theory, Durham
Europe/London timezone

Developing an amplitude level parton shower.

20 Dec 2018, 11:25
CM101 (Department of Mathematical Sciences)


Department of Mathematical Sciences


Mr Jack Holguin (The University of Manchester)


Perturbative QCD suffers from multitudes of large logarithms, arising from the miscancellation of infra-red poles. These logarithms can cause enhancements of high order terms and spoil perturbative convergence. Historically there has been two disjoint approaches to solving this problem; resummations and parton showers. Nowadays resummations are performed at high accuracy and are rigorously defined, but they are very time consuming. Parton showers are all purpose and can be implemented computationally. However modern showers are still far from a rigorous definition. We present a new algorithm that aims to unify these two approaches.

Primary authors

Mr Jack Holguin (The University of Manchester) Mr Jeffrey Forshaw (The University of Manchester)

Presentation materials