Sep 1 – 13, 2019
Europe/London timezone

Student travel claims

For those who are STFC-funded or self-funded, you can claim your travel and subsistence expenses from STFC. If you are funded, but from a source other than STFC, you are not eligible to claim your expenses from STFC; instead you should seek advice from your supervisor or someone else at your home institute.

If you are eligible to claim your travel expenses from STFC, you should complete the claim form that is attached to the front page of this site (in the same area where the problem sheets etc. were located).

If you wish to submit your claim by email, you need to scan in your signed form (electronic signatures are not permitted) and your receipts and you should email all of them to for processing.

If you prefer, you can post your form and the original receipts to STFC - the address is below.  However, if decide to take this option, you are strongly advised to photocopy your receipts and your signed form before sending them off.

Completed claims (including original receipts) should be sent to:

Susan Blackwell

UK Research and Innovation
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Polaris House
North Star Avenue

If you have any queries regarding travel claims, please contact Susan at STFC by emailing her at