Morning 1: Numbers
- Jochen Einbeck (Mathematical Sciences / IDAS)
Tobias Weinzierl
(Computer Science / IDAS)
30/09/2019, 10:00
Rui Carvalho
(Engineering / DEI / IDAS)
30/09/2019, 10:10
Over the centuries, scientists have sought to describe natural phenomena with mechanistic models. In the last century, we have also made tremendous progress in building powerful non-mechanistic models, from linear regression to random forests and neural networks. However, although data are nowadays abundant in many areas of science and engineering, models often remain elusive. I will introduce...
Anthony Yeates
(Mathematical Sciences - Magnetohydrodynamics / IDAS)
30/09/2019, 10:20
Leonard A. Smith
(LSE / Oxford / Visiting Prof at Durham (Astronomy))
30/09/2019, 10:30
Jonathan Cumming
(Mathematical Sciences - Statistics, SMCU / IDAS)
30/09/2019, 11:00
Georgios Karagiannis
(Mathematical Sciences - Statistics / IDAS)
30/09/2019, 11:10
Nicholas Chancellor
(Physics - Quantum Light and Matter)
30/09/2019, 11:20