15–16 Dec 2020
Centre for Particle Theory, Durham
Europe/London timezone

Covariant multipole expansion of local currents for massive states of any spin

16 Dec 2020, 16:00
Teams (Centre for Particle Theory, Durham)


Centre for Particle Theory, Durham

IPPP & Dept. Mathematical Sciences Durham University South Road Durham DH1 3LE


Manuel Morales (DAMTP, University of Cambridge)


We study the structure of scalar, vector, and tensor currents for on-shell massive particles of any spin. When considering higher values for the spin of the particle, the number of form factors (FFs) involved in the decomposition of the matrix elements associated with these local currents increases. We identify all the fundamental structures that give rise to the independent FFs, systematically for any spin value. These structures can be conveniently organised using an expansion in covariant multipoles, built solely from the Lorentz generators. This approach allows one to uniquely identify the terms which are universal and those that arise because of spin. We derive counting rules which relate the number of FFs to the total spin j of the state, showing explicitly that these rules match all the well-known cases up to spin 2.

Length of talk 15-25 minutes
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Primary authors

Sabrina Cotogno (CPHT, CNRS, École Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris) Cédric Lorcé (CPHT, CNRS, École Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris) Peter Lowdon (CPHT, CNRS, École Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris) Manuel Morales (DAMTP, University of Cambridge)

Presentation materials