Aug 3 – 5, 2022
Europe/London timezone
Recent progress at NNLO suggests that a fully differential N³LO calculation of γ*→ll should be possible. IPPP will host a three-day in-person kick-off workstop to try and organise the different contributions. We will cover
  • VVV: the three-loop heavy-quark / heavy-lepton form factor (massification, exact, semi-numerical, etc.)
  • RVV: adapting γ*→qqg, new calculations, mass dependence
  • RRV: automation, numerical stability
  • assembly & dirty tricks: Monte Carlo, massification, jettification, NTS stabilisation etc.
  • open discussion

Each area will be given half a day, starting with an open 1h seminar followed by a lengthy discussion.

Just like previous workstops, we try to gather a small number of theorists who actively work on this topic to make very concrete progress. It should not just be about giving talks, but to actually learn from each other and put together the jigsaw pieces.

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This event is by invite only.

Application for this event is currently open.