Aug 3 – 5, 2022
Europe/London timezone

Contribution List

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Yannick Ulrich (University of Durham)
8/3/22, 10:00 AM
Yannick Ulrich (University of Durham)
8/3/22, 10:30 AM
Fabian Lange (KIT), Kai Schoenwald (KIT), Matteo Fael (KIT Karlsruhe)
8/3/22, 2:00 PM
  • the details our calculation of hep-ph/2202.05276, in particular the semi-analytic method employed for the MIs and the optimization of the MI basis.
  • discuss the possible implementation in a C++/Fortran code, what is necessary for the Monte Carlo and which features you require.
  • discuss  which contributions with closed fermion loops and hadronic vacuum...
Jonathan Ronca (INFN - Sezione Napoli)
8/4/22, 9:00 AM
Ryan Moodie (Turin University), Ryan Moodie (University of Turin)
8/4/22, 9:30 AM
Jonas Lindert (IPPP), Natalie Schär, Jonas Lindert (University of Sussex )
8/4/22, 2:00 PM
8/4/22, 6:30 PM
Tim Engel (Paul Scherrer Institute & University of Zurich)
8/5/22, 9:30 AM
Adrian Signer
8/5/22, 1:30 PM