19–21 Apr 2023
Europe/London timezone

Discriminating among interpretations for the X(2900) states

19 Apr 2023, 15:10
Room OC218 (IPPP)

Room OC218


Talk Talks


Timothy Burns (Swansea University)


We make predictions for the production and decays of X(2900) states, and their possible charged partners, in B+ and B0 decays, considering a number of competing models for the states, including triangle diagrams mediated by quark exchange or pion exchange, and resonance scenarios including molecules and tetraquarks. Assuming only isospin symmetry and the dominance of color-favored weak decays, we find characteristic differences in the predictions of the different models. Future experimental studies can therefore discriminate among the competing interpretations for the states.

Primary author

Timothy Burns (Swansea University)

Presentation materials