August 29, 2023 to September 1, 2023
Durham University
Europe/London timezone


There is limited availability (60 single rooms) for accommodation at Collingwood college. Note that accommodation and meal registration are separate and close earlier than the regular registration. Please see the registration forms here. The accommodation at Collingwood college will cost £48.75 per night per person, including breakfast. The total cost of the accommodation can be sent via bank transfer using the following information.

Bank Transfer

Address:  Durham University, Barclays Bank, 6/7 Market Place, Durham City.
Sort code: 20 - 27 - 66
Account number: 60897507
IBAN: GB79 BARC 2027 6660 8975 07
Swift Code: BARC GB22

Reference/Payment reason: RE 040598  SURNAME FIRSTNAME

Credit card

For payment by credit card, the following credit card form must be filled out and faxed to the (secure) fax number 0044 (0)191 3343658.

Further Information

For further information regarding payment of the accommodation and invoicing, please directly contact the IPPP secretaries: Trudy Forster ( & Joanne Bentham (

Alternative Accommodation

Alternative accommodation options in the city are as follows:

Please make sure to book your hotel in advance; the end of August is generally busier than expected.


The Teaching and Learning Centre⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ has a cafeteria if you do not wish to attend lunch.