28 July 2024 to 3 August 2024
Europe/London timezone

From scattering towards multi-hadron weak decays

30 Jul 2024, 09:00
Talk Plenary - by invitation only Plenary


Felix Erben (CERN)


Hadron spectroscopy and the study of QCD resonances on the lattice has seen rapid advancements in recent years. This is thanks to new and refined analytical formalisms, improved computational strategies and last but not least a substantial community effort in pushing the boundaries to more complicated resonant channels and simulations at physical quark masses. In this talk I present a selection of recent lattice QCD scattering computations and give an outlook on how a fundamental understanding of resonances in lattice QCD is a key component in a wide range of computations that can be compared to experimental results and as such serve as crucial tests of the Standard Model.

Primary author

Felix Erben (CERN)

Presentation materials