28 July 2024 to 3 August 2024
Europe/London timezone

Precision determination of the Wilson-flow scale $w_0$

2 Aug 2024, 15:55
Talk Particle Physics Beyond the Standard Model Standard Model parameters


Gen Wang for the BMW collaboration (Centre de Physique Theorique)


I will present a precise determination of the Ω baryon mass in lattice units at seven lattice spacings down to a ~ 0.048 fm with N_f=2+1+1 staggered quarks, including QED and strong-isospin corrections. We perform these measurements by solving the Generalized Eigenvalue Problem, adapted to staggered fermions to fully resolve the negative parity and excited states. The measurements are then used to determine the value of the Wilson-flow scale $w_0$, in the continuum limit at physical quark masses, with unprecedented precision.

Primary author

Gen Wang for the BMW collaboration (Centre de Physique Theorique)

Presentation materials