Sofie Martins
(University of Southern Denmark)
The SU(2) gauge group with two fundamental flavors is a candidate for a composite Higgs extension of the Standard Model. Central to Higgs phenomenology is a non-perturbative determination of observables of the theory, such as the decay constant of the pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone Bosons. We present preliminary results for the continuum limit of the pseudoscalar decay constant using a mixed-action setup, with non-perturbatively improved stabilized Wilson Fermions on the sea, and maximally twisted valence quarks. Pivotal to this study is the recent porting of our simulation suite HiRep to GPU architecture.
Primary authors
Antonio Rago
(QTC & IMADA, University of Southern Denmark)
Fernando Romero-Lopez
(MIT / Uni Bern)
Laurence Bowes
(University of Plymouth)
Patrick Fritzsch
(Trinity College Dublin)
Sofie Martins
(University of Southern Denmark)
Vincent Drach
(University of Plymouth)