Michele Caselle
(Università di Torino)
We study the behaviour of the flux tube in the reconfined phase of the trace deformed $SU(2)$ Yang-Mills theory in (2+1) dimensions. In this phase the Polyakov loop has a vanishing expectation value (and center symmetry is recovered) even at high temperatures. We study, by means of numerical simulations, the confining potential between two Polyakov loops and show that its behaviour is very different from that of usual confining gauge models and shows a remarkable agreement with the predictions of the so called "rigid string" in the limit in which the rigidity term (which is driven in the action by a term proportional to the square of the extrinsic curvature of the string) is very large and is the dominant contribution in the action.
Primary authors
Michele Caselle
(Università di Torino)
Claudio Bonati
(Università di Pisa)
Alessio Negro
(Physics Dep. Torino University)
Dario Panfalone
(Univesita` di Torino)
Lorenzo Verzichelli
(Università di Torino, INFN sezione di Torino)