Forrest Guyton
(University of Arizona)
We determine the energies and decay constants of the lowest-lying positive-parity bottom-strange and charm-strange mesons using lattice QCD. The calculations are performed with domain-wall up, down, and strange quarks and with an anisotropic clover action for the heavy quarks, on seven different RBC/UKQCD ensembles with pion masses ranging from a near physical $m_\pi\approx 139 MeV$ up to $m_\pi\approx 431 MeV$. On all of these ensembles, our preliminary results for the ground-state energies of the $B^*_{s0}$, $B_{s1}$, $D^*_{s0}$, and $D_{s1}$ are below the $B K$, $B^* K$, $D K$, and $D^* K$ thresholds, respectively.
Primary authors
Forrest Guyton
(University of Arizona)
Stefan Meinel
(University of Arizona / RIKEN BNL Research Center)