28 July 2024 to 3 August 2024
Europe/London timezone

Results on meson-meson scattering at large $N_\mathrm{c}$

1 Aug 2024, 10:20
Talk Hadronic and Nuclear Spectrum and Interactions Hadronic and nuclear spectrum and interactions


Jorge Baeza-Ballesteros (University of Valencia/IFIC)


In this talk, we present results on the dependence of meson-meson scattering observables on number of colors, $N_\mathrm{c}$. We work in a theory with $N_\mathrm{f}=4$ degenerate light quark flavors, and run lattice simulations with varying $N_\mathrm{c}=3-6$ and pion mass $M_\pi\approx590$ MeV. We focus on three different scattering channels, two of which possess the quantum numbers of some recently-found tetraquarks states at LHC. These include the the scalar $T_{c\bar{s}0}^{++}(2900)$ state or the vector $T_{c\bar{s}1}^{0}(2900)$ particle. Finite-volume energies are extracted using two-particle operators corresponding to either two pions or two vector mesons, complemented by local tetraquark operators. Using Lüscher's formalism, we constrain the $N_\mathrm{c}$ dependence of the infinite-volume scattering phase shift of the studied channels and investigate the possible presence of tetraquark resonances.

Primary author

Jorge Baeza-Ballesteros (University of Valencia/IFIC)


Fernando Romero-Lopez (MIT / Uni Bern) Prof. Pilar Hernández (University of Valencia and IFIC)

Presentation materials