Nelson Pitanga Lachini
(University of Cambridge)
We present our study of the $\rho(770)$ and $K^*(892)$ resonances from lattice QCD employing domain-wall fermions at physical quark masses. We determine the finite-volume energy spectrum in various momentum frames and obtain phase-shift parameterizations via the Lüscher formalism, and as a final step the complex resonance poles of the $\pi \pi$ and $K \pi$ elastic scattering amplitudes via an analytical continuation of the models. By sampling a large number of representative sets of underlying energy-level fits, we also assign a systematic uncertainty to our final results. This is a significant extension to data-driven analysis methods that have been used in lattice QCD to date, due to the two-step nature of the formalism.
Primary authors
Antonin Portelli
(The University of Edinburgh)
Fabian Joswig
(University of Edinburgh)
Felix Erben
Maxwell T. Hansen
(University of Edinburgh)
Michael Marshall
(University of Edinburgh)
Nelson Pitanga Lachini
(University of Cambridge)
Peter Boyle
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Vera Guelpers
(The University of Edinburgh)