The discoveries of exotic hadrons with heavy quark degrees of freedom are stimulating theoretical studies to understand their physical mechanism, and lattice QCD calculations of relevant hadron-hadron interactions are expected to play a crucial role.
In this talk, we present lattice QCD studies of hadron interactions with charm quark degrees of freedom by the HAL QCD method. In particular, we study the $\Xi_{cc}$-$\Xi_{cc}$ system which is a candidate of a superflavor partner of the exotic tetraquark state, $T_{cc}(3875)$. The calculation is performed with $N_f=2+1$ Wilson-clover fermion at the physical point, $m_\pi = 137$ MeV, on the lattice box of $(8.1 {\rm fm})^4$, using the configurations generated by HAL QCD Collaboration, "HAL-conf-2023". The comparison with their strange quark counterpart, $\Xi$-$\Xi$ interactions, will be presented as well.