Viljami Leino
(Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
The strong coupling constant $\alpha_s$ can be obtained from the static energy as shown in previous lattices studies. For short distances, the static energy can be calculated both on the lattice with the use of Wilson line correlators, and with the perturbation theory up to three loop accuracy with leading ultrasoft log resummation. Comparing the perturbative expression and lattice data allows for precise measurement of $\alpha_s$. We will present preliminary results for the determination of $\alpha_s$ in (2+1+1)-flavor QCD using the configurations made available by the MILC-collaboration with smallest lattice spacing reaching 0.0321fm.
Primary author
Viljami Leino
(Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
Alexei Bazavov
(Michigan State University)
Nora Brambilla
(Technical University München)
Andreas Kronfeld
Julian Mayer-Steudte
(Technical University of Munich (TUM))
Peter Petreczky
Sebastian Steinbeißer
(Technical University München)
Antonio Vairo
(Technical University München)
Johannes Heinrich Weber
(Technische Universität München)