28 July 2024 to 3 August 2024
Europe/London timezone

Cutoff effects and scale determinations in pure gauge theory

2 Aug 2024, 14:15
Talk Standard Model Parameters Standard Model parameters


Alberto Ramos (CERN)


In this talk we will investigate the approach to the
continuum limit using different gauge actions. We will argue that
solid and precise QCD calculations need to reach lattice spacings
finer than the current standard, or that several actions need to be
consider for a proper estimate of the systematic. Flow scales for
different actions will be determined. Together with lattice
perturbation theory these can be used to extract the
pure gauge Lambda parameter from lattice quantities defined at the
scale of the cutoff.

Primary authors

Alberto Ramos (CERN) Guilherme Catumba (IFIC) Nicolas Lang (Universitat de València, IFIC)

Presentation materials