This workshop event aims to nurture discussions and bring together experts on the broad topic of Primordial Black Holes (PBHs). From their phenomenological implications, their possible relationship to extant problems in the SM (dark matter, neutrino masses, baryon asymmetry, inflation), their theoretical underpinnings and origin, to the multi-messenger signals that are motivating state-of-the-art experimental developments.
The registration fee, which we will open in the coming week, is £175. This fee covers venue hire, an AV Team, coffee breaks twice per day, and the workshop dinner.
This is primarily an in-person workshop.
Note that the event will end at 12:30 on Thursday so that participants can travel on Thursday afternoon.
We have received some reports of fishing regarding accomodation for NEHOP. We have not hired any travel agency to manage hotel reservations for participants.
This workshop is funded by the Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology, Durham University and sponsored by the EuCAPT network.